


Helmfon a Unique Device to Fully Block office Noise

Cue the “Spaceballs” Dark Helmet jokes. The Helmfon is oversized headgear designed to block out...
August 17, 2017

Batman-Inspired Luxury Hydroplane Alpha Centauri

A “BATTY” engineer who spent five years building a Batman-style powerboat has won backing to...
August 17, 2017

The New Audi A8 Is the Future of the Luxury Class

In its fourth generation, the brand’s flagship model again provides the benchmark for Vorsprung durch...
August 17, 2017


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    The First Bionic Wireless Underwater Drone

    BIKI is the world’s first bionic underwater drone that is...

    Batman-Inspired Luxury Hydroplane Alpha Centauri

    A “BATTY” engineer who spent five years building a Batman-style...

    Lexus Gives 2018 CT 200h A Final Facelift

    When Lexus debuted the CT 200h at the 2010 Geneva...



    1、曹勛【古戰場】 煙冥露重霜風號,聲悲色慘侵征袍。 據鞍顧名思義盼度沙磧,縱橫白骨余殘燒。 舉鞭遲留問田父,彼將欲語先折腰。 泣雲畔寇昔據此,老夫父子服弓刀。 將軍下令起丘甲,法嚴勢迫無所逃。 攻城奪險數十戰,民殘兵弊夷梟巢。 當時二子沒於陣,老夫幸免甘無聊。 匹夫僭亂起阡陌,禍延千裏俱嗷嗷。 官私所殺盡民吏,坐令骨肉相征鏖。 唯余將軍封萬戶,士卒戰死埋蓬蒿。 至今野火野昏黑,天陰鬼哭聲嘈嘈。 2、李白【相和歌辭·從軍行二首】 百戰沙場碎鐵衣,城南已合數重圍。 突營射殺呼延將,獨領殘兵千騎歸。 3、王維【送韋評事】 欲逐將軍取右賢,沙場走馬向居延。 遙知漢使蕭關外,愁見孤城落日邊。 4、王昌齡【出塞二首】 騮馬新跨白玉鞍,戰罷沙場月色寒。...


    七言律詩是中國傳統詩歌的壹種體裁,簡稱七律,屬於近體詩範疇,起源於南朝齊永明時沈約等講究聲律、對偶的新體詩,至初唐沈佺期、宋之問等進壹步發展定型,至盛唐杜甫手中成熟。 七律詩格律嚴密,要求詩句字數整齊劃壹,由八句組成,每句七個字,每兩句為壹聯,共四聯,分首聯、頷聯、頸聯和尾聯,中間兩聯要求對仗。 唐代的七律詩,杜甫和李商隱是兩座難以逾越的高峰。杜甫貴在賅博醇厚,李商隱貴在精微幽深。今天,詩詞君精選了30首七律佳作,大家壹起來體會七律詩中的渾厚氣質。 1、《登高》 【唐】杜甫 風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。 無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。 萬裏悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登臺。 艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新亭濁酒杯。 點評:無需多言的偉大作品,將天地萬物之蕭瑟、苦悶、悲憤、衰病之態寫到了極致。被譽為古今七律第壹! 2、《黃鶴樓》 【唐】崔顥 昔人已乘黃鶴去,此地空余黃鶴樓。 黃鶴壹去不復返,白雲千載空悠悠。 晴川歷歷漢陽樹,芳草淒淒鸚鵡洲。 日暮鄉關何處是,煙波江上使人愁。 點評:有人評價這首詩:氣格音調,千載獨步。被譽為“唐人七律第壹”。名氣實在是太大。說實話,寫的也是真好。 3、《錦瑟》 【唐】李商隱 錦瑟無端五十弦,壹弦壹柱思華年。...

    Hoverboard: The Next Evolution in Personal Electric Mobility

    Experience The Feeling of Flight. The Hoverboard is the most thrilling imaginable form of personal transportation. Our unique self-balancing system...

    The Karisma Is The Best All-Inclusives Jamaican Resort

    Resting on Negril’s famed Seven Mile Beach, the AAA Four Diamond hotel is a gourmet all-inclusive property offering butler service,...

    Best Reasons To Visit Miami At Least One Summer

    Miami can feel at times like a never-ending feast for the senses. Glamour is part of everyday life here –...

    Tesla Model S: Quickest Production Car in the World

    The Model S P100D with Ludicrous mode is the third fastest accelerating production car ever produced, with a 0-60 mph...